Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
What some people might not know or consciously realize is that the United States Drug Enforcement Agency, or DEA, is most likely the world’s largest drug-related law enforcement agency. The primary goal of the DEA is to combat both drug smuggling and drug use within the United States. With that said, the DEA can and often does operate far beyond the borders of the United States, and it’s not uncommon for them to coordinate with other agencies, both domestic and international, on cases they deem worthy of their attention.
As you might expect, being under investigation by the DEA is much more drastic than facing state-level charges, and the penalties alone can be especially severe. Since the DEA pursues federal criminal charges, you’ll want to ensure that you have competent legal representation before charges are brought up, ideally right when the investigation begins. The only problem is that there are so many legal firms out there, and the vast majority of them are not properly equipped for federal work, let alone facing down an investigation by the DEA. You’ll need a firm with years of experience, resources, and skill. You’ll need the Norman Spencer Law Group.
What’s the First Thing to Do When Facing the Drug Enforcement Agency?
Ideally, the first thing you’ll do when you even suspect that you might be under investigation by the DEA is to secure the services of a competent defense attorney. Unfortunately, however, many individuals only find out that they’re under investigation once they’re actually arrested. So the most important thing you can do should that happen is insist that you will only speak with the authorities once your lawyer is present. DEA agents can and will use anything that you say against you, so you need to be aware of this and only speak with them under the advice and direction of your attorney.
It’s too easy to incriminate yourself, so the last thing you want to do is speak to the authorities without your attorney present, as this could do irreparable harm to your case down the line. It’s far better to stay silent, and then only speak with investigators when your attorney has the chance to look over the evidence, consider your options, and decide on a strategy accordingly.
What Comes Next?
If you have a lawyer working with you from the beginning, one of the most crucial things that they can do is fight your charges before they even reach the courts, so that ideally your charges can be greatly reduced or even dropped before you ever step foot inside a courtroom. This is something that you simply wouldn’t be able to do on your own, so it pays to have legal representation from the get-go. The Drug Enforcement Agency capitalizes on situations where a defendant is unprepared, and all it takes is one slip up for them to get charges to stick to you.
Another strategy that the DEA will commonly employ is pursuing multiple charges all at once. RICO charges are especially potent for this, as they can charge multiple people in a conspiracy that only a few people could’ve potentially been a part of, roping in scores of people and charging them all for the crimes of a few.
The Drug Enforcement Agency Has Resources
On top of all of this, the DEA has extensive resources at its disposal. When you’re facing an investigation from them, you’re essentially squaring off with the full might of the United States government, so it’s entirely natural to feel overwhelmed in a situation like that. With that said, cases can still be beaten and defendants can still walk free, even after being put under investigation by the DEA or have charges brought up against them.
The right defense attorney will have a wealth of experience when it comes to dealing with federal agencies like the DEA, and they’ll be able to look at the specifics of your case, devise a comprehensive legal strategy, and get you the results that you need and deserve. What it all comes down to is this: the right defense attorney can quite literally be the difference between you spending the rest of your life behind bars and you being able to walk free without even going to court, so it’s not an exaggeration to say that this could be the most important decision you make in your life.
But Who Can I Turn To?
It’s easy to feel like there’s nowhere to turn when you find yourself in a situation like this, but that’s not the case. The problem, unfortunately, is quite the opposite: there are almost too many legal firms out there claiming they can deal with Drug Enforcement Agency violations. It can be exceedingly difficult to figure out which one is the right one for your particular needs.
A legal firm can have the slickest marketing campaign out there, but if they aren’t able to get you the results you need and you end up behind bars when you could’ve walked free, there’s a serious problem there. You need to be able to cut through the noise and find a legal firm with decades of experience, a firm with a proven track record of success at both the state and federal levels. You need the Norman Spencer Law Group.
The Norman Spencer Law Group Can Help Fight the Drug Enforcement Agency
With a combined 70+ years of experience representing all types of cases, including ones just like yours, the Norman Spencer Law Group is the ideal legal firm for you. We’ve represented people from all walks of life as well as cases of every size and complexity. So if you’re facing any sort of legal trouble, get in touch with us today. Someone from our team will get back to you as soon as possible so that we can get you the help that you need and deserve.